9 Really Good Reasons to Send Your Child to... Camp ! (and to not stress about It)

9 Really Good Reasons to Send Your Child to... Camp ! (and to not stress about It)

A Parents' Survival Guide

Alison Medeva

Tome 1 : Summer Camp Guides

Livres pratiques & développement personnel


1,4 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN : 9782322113293

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 11.09.2016

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : Kids Camps, Childs camps, Summer Camps, Overnight Summer Camps, Overnight Camps

2,99 €

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En savoir plus
Every year, millions of parents send their child off to summer camp in order to help make the most of the time they have out of school, and ensure that parents are not run ragged dealing with childcare issues 24/7 for ten to twelve weeks until the new fall semester starts.

Summer camp has for many years been a popular and affordable option for childcare and fun for the kids, but a whole new generation of summer camps has been developing recently which offer more options than ever before. Every parent wants their child to have a great camping experience. Doing research and matching the right kind of camp to your child/ren can make all the difference between delight and disaster.

Let’s start with a look at the benefits of sending your child to summer camp.
Alison Medeva

Alison Medeva

CPR and first aid certified, Alison Medeva was a camp educator for pre-k and kinder ages. She has been also day school head, Community Program Director and Resident Camp Program Director.

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