This book is the synthesis of my work detailed in my previous books. My objective is to explain the elaboration of an unknown yet very promising accompaniment technique. I am talking about CPA, in English “Accompanied Inner Communication”. By accompanying the hand over a computer keyboard, expression emerges from a part of ourselves that we do not usually have access to. Thanks to this particular type of communication, the hand becomes the heart’s messenger. By accompanying the hand over a computer keyboard, the expression of a part of ourselves that we don’t usually have access to emerges. AIC is used with people who cannot speak as well as those who can. The vision of handicap undergoes a quantum shift. The typed texts show that, no matter what the handicap is that limits communication or speaking, an intact conscience unfolds at another level of reality than the cognitive or sensorial system. The support of the hand opens the access to this intact part of the individual. It is an approach that seems simple, yet requires that the professionals using it be in a very special state of presence. It is a state of consciousness that allies vigilance and total release, which allows the sacred aspect of the text to emerge.
AIC does not claim to have a new theory about man or life. It cannot be considered as a simple technique, or as a treatment. It is an attitude, a welcome, a companionship. Accompanied Inner Communication helps each person accompanied to better structure himself and live his own life, free of unconscious loyalties and useless attachments. Listening is an essential aspect of Accompanied Inner Communication. By listening and with the texts that emerge, the person connects to his inner Self. If this approach raises questions, it also gives fabulous hope which contributes to each person’s meaning of life.
Martine Garcin-Fradet is a Eurotas certified transpersonal psychotherapist and teacher of “ Accompanied Inner Communication” witch is a type of interpersonal communication. She studied with Pierre Weil, Isabelle Filliozat and Georges Romey with the goal of helping children and adults regain self-confidence as well as confidence in Life. For many years, Martine has accompanied adults and children on their evolutionary path sometimes using systemic family therapy and/or AIC. The objective in her work is to facilitate the person’s unification process with his or her Inner Self. Acclaimed author of the book “And if our Ancestors communicated through us?”
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