A singular marriage

A singular marriage

Max du Veuzit



417,4 KB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322126392

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 09.01.2019

Langue: anglais

2,99 €

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The eldest of five brothers and sisters, Christiane Chambreuil, after the death of her father, had to provide for her family; she accepted the job of "mistress of the house" in a Scottish family. She signed the commitment documents without even reading them and, to her amazement, learned some time after her arrival in Uam-Var that she was officially married to Edward Duncan, one of Sir Archibald Duncan's two sons. Christiane protests, storm.... It's too late! It's too late! A marriage by proxy is a marriage anyway. And "mistress of mai-son" is it not an ambiguous expression that implies "wife"?

She had barely recovered from the shock of the shock she experienced at the castle, in the absence of their masters, a woman holding a very young child in her hand. "I bring you little Christian. Old Gertrude is dead and her family doesn't know what to do with your child.

A singular marriage in truth
Max du Veuzit

Max du Veuzit

Max du Veuzit est le nom de plume de Alphonsine Zéphirine Vavasseur, née au Petit-Quevilly le 29 octobre 1876 et morte à Bois-Colombes le 15 avril 1952. Elle est un écrivain de langue française, auteur de nombreux romans sentimentaux à grand succès.

Il n'y a pour le moment pas de critique presse.

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