About the Holy Shroud and the collegiate church of Lirey (Aube)

About the Holy Shroud and the collegiate church of Lirey (Aube)

Alain Hourseau

Histoire & sciences sociales

Couverture souple

268 pages

ISBN: 9782322205479

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 27.03.2020

Langue: anglais

Impression couleurs: oui

22,99 €

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En savoir plus
The Holy Shroud appeared in history, as early as 1356, in a collegiate church, located 20 kilometers south of Troyes. It was Jeanne de Vergy who testified to it, following the wish of her late husband, the knight, Geoffroy de Charny, also a standard-bearer and advisor to the King.

But the history of the Holy Shroud, in Lirey, does not stop after its departure in 1418. Even distant several hundred kilometers, its memory continues to feed the coffers of the collegiate church, thanks to the coins left by the waves of pilgrims. The canons do not despair of seeing the relic one day in their new church, built in the 16th century. The Revolution will mark a fatal blow, after several centuries of decline. The Holy Shroud is now in Turin.
Alain Hourseau

Alain Hourseau

Alain Hourseau, historien, conférencier, a publié une dizaine de livres, des inventaires archéologiques et de nombreux articles dans diverses revues historiques sur le département de l'Aube. Il est également spécialiste du Saint Suaire lors de son passage à Lirey et du chevalier Geoffroy de Charny.

Il n'y a pour le moment pas de critique presse.

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