An Interior Itinerary

An Interior Itinerary

Florence Botto

Bien-être, cuisine & santé


456,6 KB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN : 9782322078844

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 13.05.2016

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : Yoga, The principals of teachind yoga, the benefits of yoga

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En savoir plus
Just as a fate of our planet is bound by the behavior of mankind, our own fate is bound by our attitude. Today, man is conscious that he holds the key to this well-being and that this key may be obtained through diligent practice of yoga.

This book will appeal to teachers, beginners and experienced students who wish to mindfully live their yoga sessions in order to retain maximum benefits.
Florence Botto

Florence Botto

Florence Botto first discovered yoga through her interest in India as a teenager.
Her visits to India led her to study the texts on this discipline, helping her to better soak up the culture of this country.
Her desire to share yoga with others and help people struggling with stress and its consequences on their health led her to become a yoga teacher. As a graduate in Hatha Yoga from the Integral Yoga Institute Van Lysebeth in 1988, it is with the same passion that Florence Botto practices and teaches. With a PhD in Biology, her knowledge of anatomy and physiology allows her to adapt different styles of yoga with one aim in mind: respect of the body.
Florence Botto currently lives in the south of France as a teacher and writer.

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