Ancient egyptian Philosophy and Theology

Ancient egyptian Philosophy and Theology

Problematics, Hermeneutical Premises and Major Questions

Mubabinge Bilolo wa Kaluka

Tome 11 : INADEP-C.A. Center for Egyptology and the Future of African Civilizations

Voyage, terroir & cultures

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344 pages

ISBN : 9783931169282

Éditeur : Inadep-Europe

Date de parution : 07.12.2022

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : Egyptian Philosophy, Ancient Egyptian Theology, African Philosophy, african theology, Origin of Philosophy and Theology

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"Mubabinge Bilolo's work is long overdue in English. Brilliantly, he has demonstrated that African philosophy, through his discussion of the cosmos-theologies of Ancient Egypt, is the genesis of most of the fundamental questions regarding the enigma of God and humanity. I cannot praise this work enough as of first importance in the reconstruction of Africa's place in human sciences".
(Dr. Molefi Kete Asante, Professor, Temple University; USA).
Mubabinge Bilolo wa Kaluka

Mubabinge Bilolo wa Kaluka

Dr. Mubabinge Bilolo: The author is Professor of Philosophy, Egyptology, and African Classical Theology or Religion, Director fo INADEP-Europe and Chairman of the C.A. Diop Center for Egyptology and the Fure of African Civilizations, at the African Institute for Prospective Studies. Well-known in the French-speaking scientific arena since 1975 and in German-speaking circles since 1979, he is, according to Kemetrenaissance Ranking, "one of the most important Kame in Egyptology Studies" and Bantu Studies. Upon his sixtieth Birthday in 2013 The African Scientific Community acknowledged and proclaimed him as "An African Scholar".

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