Avancées récentes dans le domaine des Architectures Logicielles

Avancées récentes dans le domaine des Architectures Logicielles

articles sélectionnés et étendus de CAL'2015 et MODA'2015

Ismaël Bouassida Rodriguez, Ernesto Exposito , Mohamed Hadj Kacem (Ed.)

Tome 8 : RNTI

Industrie & technique


12,7 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN : 9791096289493

Éditeur : RNTI

Date de parution : 11.07.2016

Langue : français

Mots-clés : Génie logiciel, Recherche informatique, Développement, programmation

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En savoir plus
Ce numro RNTI contient huit contributions selectionnees et
evalues dans le cadre de CAL et MODA'2015. Quatre themes
y sont traites :
Le traitement de la connaissance;
Les architectures logicielles ;
La qualite d'experience et la verication
Ismaël Bouassida Rodriguez

Ismaël Bouassida Rodriguez

Ismail Bouassida Rodriguez est depuis 2012 maître assistant à l'Institut Supérieur
d'Informatique et de Multimédia de Sfax et chercheur au laboratoire ReDCAD. Il a
obtenu le diplôme d'ingénieur en Informatique en 2003 et son diplôme de master de
recherche en 2005 de l'École Nationale des Sciences de l'Informatique. Il a obtenu
son doctorat en Informatique de l'École Nationale des Ingénieurs de Sfax et de Institut
National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse. Il a participé à plusieurs projets
de recherche européens, français et Tunisiens. Pour plus d'informations visitez

Ernesto Exposito

Ernesto Exposito

Ernesto Exposito, since 2006, is Associate Professor in the Department of Computer
Science and Electrical Engineering at INSA Toulouse and a researcher at the
LAAS/CNRS laboratory in France. In 2004, he worked as Researcher in the National
ICT Australia Limited (NICTA) Research Center in Sydney, Australia. His
research interests include semantic-driven integration and interoperability of new
generation of Internet of Everything (IoE). He has served as chairman and member
for many Program Committees. He has participated in several european and
french research projects (GCAP, EUQoS, NetQoS, Feel@home, IMAGINE). He is
author of more than 80 publications including international journals, regular and invited
international conference papers, books and book chapters. His home page is

Mohamed Hadj Kacem

Mohamed Hadj Kacem (Ed.)

Mohamed Hadj Kacem received the Master degree (DEA) in computer science
from the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management of Sfax (Tunisia), in October
2002. He obtained his diploma of PhD from the University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
III (France) in November 2008. He is an associate professor of Computer Science at
the Higher Institute of Computer Science and Multimedia of Sfax (Tunisia). He has
published several papers in referenced Journals and Conference Proceedings. He has
served as member for many program committees and has participated in several research
projects. His current research areas include software engineering, componentbased
architectures, model-driven architecture and formal methods. More details are
available on his home page: http://www.redcad.org/members/hadjkacemm.

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