Break the silence to liberate the children

Break the silence to liberate the children

Mary-Ellen Gerber

Histoire & sciences sociales

Couverture souple

380 pages

ISBN : 9782322039586

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 18.11.2015

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : peadophile, MEG Foundation, Break The Silence, Liberate The Children, Mary Ellen Gerber

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En savoir plus
This book is not a novel, it is the incredible testimony of a part of my life. After the death of my mother, I was 14, my father remarried. Abused and unhappy, I then promised that one day I would found an orphanage to provide affection and education for poor children.
1980 - I left France to create an import business in the USA. 1996 I sold my business.
In late 1999 a large cyclone-devastated part of India in Orissa. I went to the scene to help the children I met Parivaraj (priest, doctor and professor) and Ruth Tumati Eliazar, the 3 leaders of a similar organization: New Hope Rural Leprosy Trust, that had existed for 18 years. Parivaraj was the mastermind, he offered his help to establish a foundation in India and children's villages, called: MEGF Trust. Volunteers from around the world flocked to these villages to help. With the money raised 243 received an education. However almost all the staff were recruited by Parivaraj, and the children spoke Oriya, which prevented me from following their conversations.
2008- Despite threats and serious sanctions by Parivaraj, the children broke the silence to talk to me. Through their testimonies, I discovered that New Hope was a cover, a front, for fraud, lies, theft of donations etc., to pay the staff to keep silent about sexual abuse of children committed by Parivaraj on boys and Eliazar Rose on girls as young 10 or 11, in the two foundations. All this work of corruption and rape orchestrated by a recidivist pedophile, Parivaraj wanted by the police for 25 years had changed his name seven times, each time he was wanted.
On November 7, 2008, I swore a complaint with the police who discovered his real name: Paul Dean, an Australian who was arrested and imprisoned for almost four months. However from prison, he remained the leader of the gang. His accomplices outside executed his orders for his release, completing four acts of treason... Free Paul Dean threatened to kill me twice to force me to withdraw my complaint. As I did not want to give in, he then fabricated false documents presented to the Indian authorities in order to imprison me. Narrowly I escaped this trap ...
Mary-Ellen Gerber

Mary-Ellen Gerber


Mary-Ellen Gerber French and American citizen, 78 years old.
Inventor of hinges: GERBER Hinge No. 4864.688 sold in the US. See Internet.
Founder of former MEG Foundation in USA, Canada, Holland, France and India for the education of underprivileged children in India.
Currently, Founder of the French Association: Break the Silence to liberate the Children (RSLE).
Arrest in India of a first pedophile in 2009 and second in 2014.

Author of the book: Rompre le silence pour libérer l’enfant (in French)
Author of the book: Break the Silence to liberate the Children (English)
Books that chronicles the mechanisms by which pedophiles commit their evil and immoral act of sexual assault against children.
Books to encourage children not to keep silence imposed by their tormentors, but rather to speak to be rescued by caring people close to them and ready to act to help them.
Consult the web site: which includes numerous addresses in its directory, specially designed to help you.
Mary-Ellen message to all children
Never forget that the first step comes from you if you want other people come to your rescue, then:
Break the silence to release YOURSELF. HAVE COURAGE, TALK!

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