Cacarinette in Provence

Cacarinette in Provence

Régine Franceschi

Romans pour adolescents (à partir de 12 ans)

Couverture souple

60 pages

ISBN : 9782322038992

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 30.10.2014

Langue : anglais

8,00 €

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En savoir plus
Hi, I’m Cacarinette! I’m twelve and half years old and I live in Provence.
I’m a little bit mischievous, sometimes a bit wild, often rebellious and always ditsy! My parents are in despair, but my friends love it, especially Damien, my Parisian friend, who has a bit of a vicious tongue and makes fun of me constantly…

So, if you want to laugh at my silliness, meet Espigaou and follow me in my craziness, then make your way quickly into my universe… I’m waiting for you.
Régine Franceschi

Régine Franceschi

Régine FRANCESCHI lives in southern France.

Her writings in the form of short stories, children’s literature novels, or poetry, are imbued with accents and perfumes of her native Provence.

She co-hosts with Gérald Delarte, in his program Delacoulisse, the literary segment “Au Fil des Pages” [Through the Pages] diffused via various radio stations,notably ChérieFM.
She also hosts writing workshops destined for children, in collaboration with various organizations, colleges, reading centers and libraries.

Internet site:


Children’s literature novels:

2014 Cacarinette in Provence.
Volume 1

2014 Cacarinette in Provence,
The Secret of Christmas
Volume 2

Novels illustrated by Jean Marignan, internationally renowned Camargue painter.

Adult Literature:

2011 Des Artistes, des chefs et nous …

Collective works produced and financed by the association DOMINO.
All the proceeds of this book will be donated to humanitarian acts.

Cacarinette et les Oreillettes.
Cacarinette reveals her recipe, rubbing shoulders with well-known French Chefs.

2008  Marelle, osselets et scoubidous.
  Collection of short stories.

2008  Sac de nœuds à Saint-Glandon.
A play.
Co-author with M. Armanet, R. Rossetti, R. Vilar.

2004  Des Nouvelles du Boudoir.
  Collective works.
  Collection of short stories.

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