Change the world ?

Understanding the unprecedented challenges of the 21st century

Gérald Vignaud

Tome 5 : Education is Paramount !

Nature & sciences naturelles

Couverture souple

150 pages

ISBN : 9782810621101

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 24.03.2021

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : change the world, ecology, Collapse, build the future, Personal development

10,95 €

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En savoir plus
At the beginning of the 21st century, our species -Homo sapiens- appears more disconnected than ever from reality. Addicted to oil and digital technology, our societies are giving birth to more and more numerous and resource-intensive populations every day. Among them, a majority of people operate on a model of success exclusively based on money, power, recognition and immediate pleasure.

At a time of unprecedented global upheaval, isn't it essential to remember where we came from and to understand how our world is changing? To realize the impact of its economic models and its exponential technological explosion?

At the dawn of the impending ecological collapse, is it not urgent to become aware of all the major ecological challenges we will have to face in the coming decades?

In this unreasonable and ethno-centric world that we have built, is it not essential to restore the rightful place of other animal species? And beyond animals in particular, don't we have a spiritual duty to respect all living things in general? Isn't it essential to admit that we are methodically destroying the planet and that we all have a moral responsibility to commit ourselves, each at our own level, to stop this destruction and try to preserve what can still be preserved? To do everything we can to offer a planet in good condition to future generations?

Whether individually or collectively, isn't it crucial for us to return to the three main fundamentals of life which are Loving, Growing and Giving?

"Change the world?" is an accessible book that offers a transversal vision of the current evolution of our planet and asks you a simple but essential question: "More than ever, the world needs real and committed leaders. Will you answer the call?"
Gérald Vignaud

Gérald Vignaud

Gérald Vignaud is a networker, speaker and personal development coach. Iconoclastic entrepreneur, he is the founder of, a French alternative media. It focuses on the idea that the three major keys to creating a better future are education, ecology and a wise technology, and that they must all be interconnected with each other, each being a multiplier of the other two.

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