Creating Divine Art

Creating Divine Art

On the origin of Inspiration

Daniel Perret

Arts & photo


28,9 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN : 9782322002825

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 18.01.2016

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : art, inspiration, Divin, origines de l'inspiration

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En savoir plus
Creating Divine Art - The Origin of Inspiration

The heart is the place where we experience the beauty all around us - in nature, art, or children - and also the suffering we witness every day. Our heart - being also the door to the spiritual or the wisdom of the universe and its higher inspirations – is a place of true transformation.

Artistic expression of all kind gives us a unique tool to learn to embrace beauty and suffering, so that we create a movement outwards that opens the door to joy and can benefit also others.

A dialogue with a group of highly evolved spirits introduce us in this book to the different levels of inspiration we can feel when creating art: in dance, painting, music, writing, photography, sculpture, architecture, movies, etc. This book explains – with the help of over 100 colour photos - how to get in touch with those higher inspiration levels and how to translate them into our works of spontaneous or professional art. What you’ll discover in this book you won’t find anywhere else.

Here the author offers a unique collection of divine beauty in art and explains the way how to get there.

This book will show you

how personal issues determine the inspiration you attract
why some inspiration might get lost on the way
how to improve the quality of your art work
the rich fabric of the divine field
where inspirations come from
some invisible aspects linked to works of art
how works of art can affect you
how art and beauty can help transform suffering
how to improve your cooperation with the divine dimension
Daniel Perret

Daniel Perret

Né à Zurich en 1950. Etudes à'l'université de Zurich. Etude de la science de la guérison spirituelle auprès de Robert S. Moore de 1979-1999. A publié dix livres dont la série sur \"La Science de la Guérison spirituelle\". Vit en Dordogne. Musicien, auteur, conférencier, stages

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