dzieciol 1906

dzieciol 1906

satirical journal of the first russian revolution

polish satirical journal 12 issues

Tome 3 : Satirical Journals of The First Russian Revolution 1905-1907

Histoire & sciences sociales

Couverture souple

100 pages

ISBN : 9782810613724

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 17.03.2016

Langue : polonais

Mots-clés : russian revolution 1905-1907, poland, pologne, satirical journal, Graphic Art, rare

139,90 €

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En savoir plus
The complete and unabridged 12 issues of the satirical journal Dzieciol published in 1906. This Polish satirical journal was one of those leading the charge to take part in the Russian Revolutionary movement which was spreading throughout the Empire. Our photographic reproduction methods allow us to preserve the authentic character of the original with perfect legibility. This complete set of journals is considered as incredibly rare and know of none other in Western libraries. In Polish.
polish satirical journal 12 issues

polish satirical journal 12 issues

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