Faire oeuvre

La formation et la professionnalisation des artistes femmes aux XIXe et XXe siècles

association AWARE

Histoire & sciences sociales

Couverture souple

256 pages

ISBN : 9782956053330

Éditeur : Association Aware

Date de parution : 01.06.2023

Langue : français

Mots-clés : artistes femmes, women artists, Histoire de l'art, art history, Feminisme

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En savoir plus
Long excluded from institutional art tuition, women were belatedly allowed to study drawing, painting and sculpture and to assert themselves as professional artists. This publication studies the processes of their access to ateliers and schools in the 19th and 20th centuries as well as their professionalisation. It cross-references biographical and familial data with social, economic and political perspectives in order to map out key points in this history, retrace individual artistic paths and identify collective educational dynamics.
association AWARE

association AWARE

AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions is a non-profit Association Loi 1901, co-founded in 2014 and directed by Camille Morineau, curator and art historian, specialising in women artists.
Since its creation in 2014, AWARE has worked to make women artists of the 19th and 20th century visible by producing and posting free bilingual (French/English) content about their work on its website.

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