

the moment we get what we want the most

Nathanaël Amah

Tome 6 : Natham Collection

Romans & récits

Couverture souple

260 pages

ISBN : 9782322095346

Éditeur : BoD - Books on Demand

Date de parution : 28.06.2016

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : Romance, Love, sexe, psychology, suspense

12,99 €

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En savoir plus
It is admitted that the fear of the victory which makes the hand tremble at the time of the picking, is due to this impression of loneliness face to ourselves at the fateful moment.

The faith in our capacity to win or to overcome, sometimes depends on the paradox created by our awareness of the possibility of a potential failure which would not be registered on the list of the risks which we have inventoried.

Through this sexual harassment story, begun in Paris and ended in Moscow, the author attempts an approach to analyze why we can be brought to reconsider our ambitions in front of the imminence of the success.

In your opinion, Geraldine, Charles Edwards, were they right to renounce?
Nathanaël Amah

Nathanaël Amah

Author's Bibliograpy

  (NATHAM Collection)

- HARCELEMENT (Le moment où nous obetenons ce que nous voulons le plus) (2016)
- ACOSO (El momento en que conseguimos lo que queremos mas ) (2016)
- NEITH (The mysterious Nubian) (2016)
- NEITH (La mystérieuse Nubienne) (2016)

Il n'y a pour le moment pas de critique presse.

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