How to fence epee -The fantastic 4 method

How to fence epee -The fantastic 4 method

Clément Schrepfer

Bien-être, cuisine & santé

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136 pages

ISBN : 9782322011605

Éditeur : BoD - Books on Demand

Date de parution : 30.11.2015

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : Fencing, épée, Epee Fencing method, Training method, Fantastic Four

22,00 €

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En savoir plus
"How to fence Epee - The fantastic 4 method" is an explanatory concentration method to perfect his practice of fencing.
It is the fruit of a reflection on several years of practice of epee fencing in competition at the highest level.
A practical manual to help those who read it:
- to understand the game via an innovative approach
- to improve their competitive practice.
This method is meant to be didactic, rational and adapted to all types of games. Rediscover fencing through a method designed to make you progress.
Clément Schrepfer

Clément Schrepfer

Clement Schrepfer is a french epee fencing competitor. He started fencing at 7 years old and was France team member as world junior ranking #8 in 2003.
After 22 years of competitive practice, he delivers here his tactical vision of epee fencing, proven for 10 years, with no other claim than to help fencers from all backgrounds to discuss their practice from a new angle.

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