How to reprogram your subconscious mind ?

How to reprogram your subconscious mind ?

Simple ways to become the person you've always dreamed of being

Yoann Meritza

Économie, droit & management


1,0 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322172375

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 12.03.2019

Langue: anglais

5,99 €

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En savoir plus
What is the subconscious? What is its function? What role does it play on our morale, our body and our way of thinking? All the questions you ask yourself are in this book. The author brings a new perspective on what drives our existence and explains in detail its mechanism with accuracy and precision in order to know it a little more and to master it. A rather complete and explicit work, resulting from numerous personal researches, and a simplified way of assimilation of the subject, such were the objectives of its creator, wanting to bring the essential bases to the people not controlling or little the subject. It gives a better understanding of the foundations giving rise to our ways of thinking, and reprogramming techniques of our subconscious.
Yoann Meritza

Yoann Meritza

Yoann MERITZA is an essayist author born March 28, 1978 in Bonneville in Haute-Savoie. He followed studies in accounting and training of PME-PMI collaborator where he learned NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming). He has participated in many internships and seminars on communication and is passionate in the field of personal development. Self-taught in the soul, he continues to perfect himself in the communication and study of human nature.

Son of veteran and former soldier, he is also a member of the 27th BCA and the UNC-Alpes.

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