Jane Austen's correspondence and letters

Jane Austen's correspondence and letters

The complete and definitive edition

Jane Austen

Tome 1 : Jane Austen's unpublished letters and manuscripts

Romans & récits


2,4 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN : 9782322081882

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 18.08.2017

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : Jane Austen, Letters, coorespondence

2,99 €

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En savoir plus
Jane Austen's letters afford a unique insight into the daily life of the novelist: intimate and gossipy, observant and informative, they bring alive her family and friends, her surroundings and contemporary events with a freshness unparalleled in modern biographies. Above all we recognize the unmistakable voice of the author of Pride and Prejudice, witty and amusing as she describes the social life of town and country, thoughtful and constructive when writing about the business of literary composition. R. W. Chapman's ground-breaking edition of the collected Letters first appeared in 1932, and a second edition followed twenty years later.
Jane Austen

Jane Austen

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