

Arges Birgun, Esra Efe, Zana Saybak

Livres & albums pour enfants


2,6 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN : 9782322494767

Éditeur : BoD - Books on Demand

Date de parution : 08.04.2024

Langue : anglais, kurde

Mots-clés : Jiro, Zarok kinderen, Kurd Kurdi Kurdistan, Çirok, Arges BIRGUN

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En savoir plus
This story is adapted from Kurdish folklore for children. It is prepared for children to learn Kurdish (Kurmanji) and English better.

Ev çîrok ji folklora Kurdan ji bo zarokan hatîye adaptekirin, ji bo ku zarok zimanê Kurdî(kurmancî) û îngîlîzî bastir fêr bibin hatîye amadekirin.
Arges Birgun

Arges Birgun

He was born in 1995 in Siwêrek, Kurdistan. He completed his initial language education at the Kurdish Institute in Istanbul in 2015. He studied in the Department of Kurdish Language and Literature in Mûs and Mêrdîn between 2017 and 202. He completed his master's degree in the Department of Kurdish Language and Culture at the Mardin Artuklu University between 2021-2023. Currently he is living in Belgium.

Esra Efe

Esra Efe

Esra EFE
She was born in 1993 in Amed. She completed her bachelor's degree between 2017-2021, at he department of Kurdish Language and Literature in Mus Alparslan University. Currently she is Kurdish teacher in Amed.

Zana Saybak

Zana Saybak

She was born in 2000 in Wan. She completed bachelor's degree in Mardin Artuklu University at the department of Kurdish Language and literature. She completed master's degree in the same university at the department of Kurdish Language and Culture. Currently she is phd student at the department of Kurdish Language and Culture.

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