

A short encyclopedia

Jee-Eun Park (Ed.)

Tome 1 : K-pop essentials

Arts & photo

Couverture souple

60 pages

ISBN : 9782322132904

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 02.01.2017

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : K-pop, Koran pop music, Encyclopedia

12,90 €

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En savoir plus
This mini-encyclopedia created with text available online under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; is your pocket resource in the K-pop universe. Here you will find the most up-to-date terms, facts, names and much more of K-pop music. In 60 pages, get countless K-pop history, facts, and charts, right at your fingertips.

Contents :
- chapter 1 K-pop definition and characteristics.
- chapter 2 Origins of K-pop.
- chapter 3 The K-pop industry.
- chapter 4 K-pop worldwide popularity.
- chapter 5 Did you know that ? 20 interesting facts about K-pop.
- Korean pop stars.
- K-pop artists dictionary
- sources.

No authors available.

Jee-Eun Park

Jee-Eun Park (Ed.)

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