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Les belles moissons de nos grands-parents
Our grandparents' beautiful harvests in Sacey and Saint-Fraimbault (Normandy, France)
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40 pages
ISBN : 9782322502578
Éditeur : Books on Demand
Date de parution : 13.09.2023
Langue : français
Disponible en :
24,99 €
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En savoir plusLes fêtes des moissons à l'ancienne, qui fleurissent au mois d'août, nous font redécouvrir l'histoire de nos campagnes, celle de nos grands-parents, les années 40-50-60. Époque d'une vie intense dans les fermes, il fallait beaucoup de bras pour moissonner une parcelle avec les outils de ces années-là, les paysans s'entraidaient dans la chaleur de l'été, de manière à terminer avant le retour de la pluie.
The old-fashioned harvest festivals, which take place in August, give us a chance to rediscover the history of our countryside, that of our grandparents in the 40s,50s and 60s. It was a time of intense life on the farms, when many hands were needed to harvest a plot of land with the tools of those years, and the farmers helped each other in the heat of the summer, so as to finish before the rains returned.
The old-fashioned harvest festivals, which take place in August, give us a chance to rediscover the history of our countryside, that of our grandparents in the 40s,50s and 60s. It was a time of intense life on the farms, when many hands were needed to harvest a plot of land with the tools of those years, and the farmers helped each other in the heat of the summer, so as to finish before the rains returned.
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