

Die maccabäer libretto

Anton Rubinshtein, SH. Mosenthal

Arts & photo

Couverture souple

68 pages

ISBN : 9782810612277

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 14.03.2016

Langue : russe

Mots-clés : opera, compositeur russe, Libretto, Macchabees, Livre rare

77,90 €

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En savoir plus
A complete and unabridged copy of the libretto, in the Russian language, by S.H. Mosenthal for one of the major works by the great Russian composer Anton Rubinshtein. Our photographic reproduction methods allows us to preserve the authentic character of such a work, copied from the original edition published in 1877. We are happy to offer a copy through this medim knowing that, following our research, we were unable to locate this text in any Western Library. Russian.
Anton Rubinshtein

Anton Rubinshtein

SH. Mosenthal

SH. Mosenthal

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