


Aly Kotb

Romans & récits


314,7 KB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN : 9782322418008

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 01.11.2021

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : Novel, Literature, drama, Egypt, roman

3,49 €

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En savoir plus
Meccano novel takes place in Egypt before 2011 revolution when Adel dies and his death affects his best friend Ahmed who does not really know what he wants. Sometimes he wants to immigrate sometimes he wants to achieve success sometimes he wants to help the others and some other times he likes to let others control him. In the middle of all of this he can not find his true self. And with the death of his friend things get worse.
The novel received Ihsan Abdel Quddos Literary Award.
Aly Kotb

Aly Kotb

Aly Kotb is an Egyptian novelist and engineer. He is earned Masters degree in irrigation from Helwan University in 2021. Aly has published four novels: All I know - A Parallel Woman - Meccano and Waiting. Through the past ten years his literary work has received some notable awards such as: Ministry of Youth and Sports Award - Sawiris Cultural Award - Ihsan Abdel Quddous Award - IRead Organizations Award for historical story - Supreme Council of Culture Award for literary talent Aden Studies Center and German GIZ Foundation Honoring Award.

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