Peter Deunov as Remembered by Milka Periklieva

Peter Deunov as Remembered by Milka Periklieva

-a Disciple-

Milka Periklieva , Marta Alexandrova (Ed.)

Romans & récits

Couverture souple

152 pages

ISBN : 9782322032297

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 24.05.2013

Langue : anglais

14,00 €

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En savoir plus
This book, Peter Deunov, as Remembered by Milka Periklieva - a Disciple, presents a selection of Milka's reminiscences in order to give a personal impression of the Master.

The author, Milka Periklieva (1908-1978), was born in Bulgaria in the Black Sea coastal town of Varna.
When she was fourteen years old, Milka became interested in the teaching of the Master, Peter Deunov (1864-1944), who had the spiritual name of Beinsa Douno.

A kindergarten teacher by profession, Milka also wrote educational stories and plays for children according to the teaching and methods of the Master, and with his personal guidance.

At the Master's request, in 1937, she recorded the movements of his spiritual dance, the Paneurhythmy, which became the basis of a book that was published the following year.
Milka Periklieva

Milka Periklieva

Marta Alexandrova

Marta Alexandrova (Ed.)

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