What if Cameroon clearly aimed to become a regional power by 2050?Assuming this were the case, this white paper decrypts the challenges of the profound transformation that would ensue and proposes a detailed roadmap to achieve this goal, along with precise indicators to measure each development. Drawing on a novel approach that integrates the trifecta of hard, soft, and smart power, the work - in this public version - offers a comprehensive and innovative vision of building regional power in Africa in general and in Cameroon in particular. It combines the findings of rigorous research with a process of collective and strategic intelligence involving all stakeholders in Cameroonian society.
Guy Gweth is an international consultant and president of the African Centre for Competitive Intelligence (ACCI). He has been in charge of "Doing Business in Africa" at Centrale Supélec since 2012 and has been a lecturer at the Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale, the École de Guerre économique, the BGFI Business School, etc. He holds a PhD in Public Affairs from Dauphine PSL and is also a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of Yaoundé II.
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