Recipes and menus for ulcerative colitis

Recipes and menus for ulcerative colitis

Cédric Menard

Tome - : Savoir quoi manger, tout simplement...

Bien-être, cuisine & santé

Couverture souple

136 pages

ISBN: 9782322201730

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 05.01.2020

Langue: anglais

Impression couleurs: non

18,50 €

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En savoir plus
This book is for each individual suffering from ulcerative colitis. It contains numerous recipes to help you better deal with your specific diet associated with your inflammatory crisis. The goal of this book is to quickly learn and perfectly modify all your traditional recipes to efficiently fight against your diarrheal crisis during your inflammatory crisis. The author also gives you three weeks of menus completely adapted to your diarrheal crisis to complete your nutritional learning.
Cédric Menard

Cédric Menard

Cédric MENARD is a dietician and nutritionist with French national certificates who practices from 2008 in France.
Cédric MENARD is part of the very few dieticians-nutritionists in France to graduate from the Collège Européen Nutrition Traitement Obésité (CENTO) since 2009 which makes him a specialist in micronutrition.
Author's website:

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