Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

The American Bestseller of Trading Illustrated by a French Illustrator

Benoist Rousseau, Edwin Lefèvre


Couverture souple

264 pages

ISBN: 9782384370030

Éditeur : Memoria Books

Date de parution : 20.04.2022

Langue: anglais

Impression couleurs: non

23,00 €

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En savoir plus
Illustrated by a famous French illustrator : dive into the New York of the 1920s !

This book, written by Edwin Lefèvre in 1923, is a part biographical and part fictional story (possibly mythological someday) of Jesse Livermore (referred to in the narrative as Larry Livingstone), an american speculator who unleashed passions during his lifetime at the beginning of the 20th century.
But beware, this text is not like others. It’s not one more book on speculation that will be forgotten before the ink dries.

Indeed, if you ask professional traders to name people who may have influenced their view of trading, many will spontaneously quote Jesse Livermore and Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.
Benoist Rousseau

Benoist Rousseau

Benoist Rousseau est bloggeur, écrivain et trader pour compte propre. Diplômé en histoire économique à la Sorbonne, Benoist Rousseau a été professeur d’histoire pendant dix ans. En 2010, il a fondé le site qui est devenu en quelques années une référence dans le domaine du trading.
Auteur du best-seller « Devenez trader pro », il partage ainsi avec générosité sa passion pour le trading.

Benoist Rousseau is a historian, blogger and french independent trader. After being a teacher for 10 years, he resigned to become self-employed trader and opened website where he shares his visions on trading, his economic analyses and his thoughts on the evolution of society. forum, which has more than a million posts, lets traders, both amateur and professional, exchange ideas about their passion in a respectful environment.

Edwin Lefèvre

Edwin Lefèvre

Journaliste, écrivain et diplomate américain, Edwin Lefèvre est connu pour sa biographie romancée de Jesse Livermore dans « Mémoires d'un spéculateur ».

Il n'y a pour le moment pas de critique presse.

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