Sanskrit etymological dictionary

Sanskrit etymological dictionary

philippe Potel-Belner

Tome 44 : Langue-et-histoire

Parascolaire & langues

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232 pages

ISBN : 9782322158188

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 07.06.2017

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : Rig-Veda, gaulois, Religion, brahmanism, INDIA

29,00 €

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En savoir plus
I hope this book will be useful to the Sanskrit students and also for everyone who wants to find out more about worldwide languages and religions.
With many references to ancient and current languages, and to Christianity, Brahmanism, Islam, etc...
I tried to make this book simple and easy to use. Obviously, its size shows that it is not complete, but because I have explained most of prefixes, particles and verbs, you will have access to many supplementary words.
philippe Potel-Belner

philippe Potel-Belner

Philippe POTEL-BELNER is studying words of the past and the present all around the world, followinging two lines: to discover a new historical source and to radically reform our vision of the past in putting religions as a former explanation of the Humanity 's development and speech.

Il n'y a pour le moment pas de critique presse.

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