Study guide On the road by Jack Kerouac (in-depth literary analysis and complete summary)

Study guide On the road by Jack Kerouac (in-depth literary analysis and complete summary)

Jack Kerouac

Parascolaire & langues

Couverture souple

52 pages

ISBN: 9782759307005

Éditeur : Paideia Education

Date de parution : 26.10.2020

Langue: anglais

Impression couleurs: non

6,89 €

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En savoir plus
The "Literary Knowledge" collection offers you the possibility to know everything about On the road by Jack Kerouac, thanks to a complete and detailed study guide. It was written clearly and accessibly by an academic professor. This study guide also complies with quality standards set up by a team of experienced teachers. It contains Jack Kerouac's biography, a presentation of the novel, a detailed summary (chapter by chapter), the reasons for its success, its main themes, and a study of the author's literary movement.
Jack Kerouac

Jack Kerouac

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