Tauroeïs city of Poseidon

the twilight of the Massaliotes

franck solèze

Tome 2 : Tauroeïs

Histoire & sciences sociales


3,4 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN : 9782322621286

Éditeur : BoD - Books on Demand

Date de parution : 03.02.2025

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : massalia, CESAR, Tauroeïs, Tauroentum, ancient Greece

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En savoir plus
This book follows on from my first volume, Tauroeïs and not Tauroentum, and is a continuation of my research on Tauroeïs, which was eventually extended to Cytharista (La Ciotat), Carcisis (Cassis) and Massalia (Marseille) and other Massaliote Greek trading posts on the Côte d'Azur.
Unfortunately, I'm afraid you won't be able to get the full benefit of this volume without having read the previous one, as I haven't chosen to explain everything again. Sometimes it takes an entire book to bring you to an understanding of new and unpublished elements. This second volume delves a little deeper into Massaliote Greek antiquity on the Côte d'Azur, and I was the first fan of the type of find that my research brought me as the first witness. I can't tell you what you'll find in this book in just a few lines, but you should know that I've become as much a spectator as you have and I'm immersed in my research like a fan from the very beginning because of the nature of my finds. Open your consciences, because the temporal storm of the Massaliote passage of Caesar's civil war has arrived.
For those who haven't read my first book, the first part, dedicated to temple sanctuaries, is sure to delight them. Enjoy your journey through time.
franck solèze

franck solèze

archaeologist and amateur researcher on the Massaliote Greek period on the French riviera

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