
Tauroeïs the Massaliotes Thermopyles

English (British) edition

Franck Solèze

Tome 3 : Tauroeïs

Histoire & sciences sociales

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304 pages

ISBN : 9782322569304

Éditeur : BoD - Books on Demand

Date de parution : 09.03.2025

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : Tauroeïs, CESAR, César's civil war, hoplites, Thermopyles

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En savoir plus
The storm of time surrounding Caesar's capture of the Massaliate coast in 49 BC continues in this third volume, and all that remains of the Massaliots cities (Greeks of Massalia, Marseilles) is Tauroeïs to face the Roman legions. The hoplites of the fortress town have stayed on voluntarily to inflict maximum casualties on their enemies and go down in history in the pantheon of heroes, something that Rome or Caesar has deprived them of by a form of damnatio memoriae. This is their last battle. Saved from oblivion by my work on temporal echoes, I bring you their story in this book. 2,000 years later, Rome has lost, and their memory will be resurrected, at least initially in my pages.
Franck Solèze

Franck Solèze

archaeologist and amateur researcher on the Massaliote Greek period of the french Riviera

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