The animal soul

The animal soul

The Purpose of Animal Kingdom on Earth

Laurent Amann

Bien-être, cuisine & santé

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248 pages

ISBN : 9782322461813

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 05.01.2023

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : animal soul, Animal communication, animal healing, animal welfare ethics, pet dog horse cat

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En savoir plus
What is the mission of animals on earth? Do animals pursue a purpose and fulfilment? What do pets, farm and wild animals wish to experience and share with us humans? And how can we use the wisdom of an animal's soul for our spiritual development? The behavioral biologist and animal whisperer Laurent Amann has explored these questions and more in this book. Combining fascinating facts from science, religion and spirituality, the ethologist and shamanic healer concludes that animals are powerful beings who have come to earth on a very special mission. Each one of them not only preserves our massive ecosystem, but also serves a higher purpose that plays a central part in the spiritual evolution of humanity. Once we understand the deeper meaning of the presence of animals on earth, we will be able to engage with them in a more authentic way and, at the same time, come closer to the purest essence of ourselves.
Laurent Amann

Laurent Amann

Laurent Amann is a best-selling author from Luxembourg, behavioral biologist, dog and horse trainer, shamanic healer, animal psychic and animal communicator. With over a million YouTube views and numerous media appearances, he is known as the "Animal Whisperer" in German-speaking countries. Laurent Amann combines behavioral biology and animal training with shamanic spirituality, bringing new awareness for the feelings and soul of animals. Moreover, with his healing skills, he helps people find their inner balance and awaken their true nature.

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