The book of runes for questioning, doing magic and gaining self-knowledge

The book of runes for questioning, doing magic and gaining self-knowledge

Erik Jackson Perrin


Couverture souple

256 pages

ISBN : 9791094871508

Éditeur : Eric Jackson Perrin

Date de parution : 27.06.2016

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : runes, Asatru, odinism, talisman

20,00 €

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En savoir plus
Ce livre vous invite à découvrir les runes et à en faire l'expérience.
Erik Jackson Perrin

Erik Jackson Perrin

Eric Jackson PERRIN: Life coach, astrologer, numerologist creator of the Birth Diamond, rune master and I Ching consultant, EJP lives and works near Lyon, in France. He gives individual sessions and teachings. He wrote 17 books dealing with various awareness tools and personal growth solutions.

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