The colored sketches collection

The colored sketches collection

63 colored sketches and 7 poetic texts

Louis Aka


Couverture souple

136 pages

ISBN : 9782322083541

Éditeur : BoD - Books on Demand

Date de parution : 09.10.2017

Langue : français

Mots-clés : poésie contemporaine, Orient et Asie, Origines et Originalité, Derviche et Fakir, Dessins en Couleur

19,99 €

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En savoir plus
'The Colored Sketches Collection' is a book that contains 63 colored sketches and 7 poetic texts celebrating the enchantment of human life in its various dimensions. Radical Evokation of the Original Time and of the Light of the soul, the reader will find in this opus, a refreshing point of view on the Art of Living and the pleasures of existence through the exprience of the trials of the Earth, and the conquest of Wisdom they conceal within themselves.

'The Colored Sketches Collection'
or 'The Dream of a Dervish'...
Louis Aka

Louis Aka

Interview AKA Louis Alias Han Sino x DJ Altra

décembre 0002

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