The Inner Truth Adventure

The Inner Truth Adventure

Beyond the person we think we are


Bien-être, cuisine & santé

Couverture souple

360 pages

ISBN : 9782322189250

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 05.01.2020

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : Spirituality, self-knowledge, esotericism, Meditation, Couple

36,00 €

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When we search for completeness and harmony, we usually carry along the weight of our lack of love, our old wounds, our conditioned patterns. How on earth can we hope to reach long-lasting happiness with all these burdens? How can we reach deep contentment while our complicated and painful past is seething inside of us?

This book does not require any intellectual acrobatics. It carries us to the heart of our intimate lands and reveals the mechanisms that have led us to disconnect from ourselves and from the secret of our being. It is the living testimony of an inner transformation process. It is also a guide for those of us who have reached a point in time when they need to face what is alive in them, to dig into the thick layers of their fears and pains, and to discover... what never dies.

In The Inner Truth Adventure, Darpan describes this journey with true, powerful, sincere words. He unveils the multiple facets of a full- edged inner dismantling process. As we venture on this path, we become free from suffering and able to incarnate our completeness.

Comments from readers:

« For me, it is of a transparency and a clarity I fully absorb. I cannot read more than five or six pages as every single word is so important. »

« I recognize myself everywhere. In my circle, people were attracted by the title and the presentation of the book. »

« For me this is a valuable work and I want to absorb all the energy. »

« Congratulations for the immense work that the achievement of such a book must represent, and thank you for the support I draw from it. »

« This book is magnificent in many respects. It is very striking. I recognize myself in every single page as if I was gazing into a mirror. »

« It's a great work and I sense that re-reading it each time, I will draw inspiration and answers for the rest of my life. »

« Very well written book in a field where it's difficult to be objective. His therapist's real-life experience clearly shows the difference between therapy and authentic spiritual realisation. A must read for any seeker of truth. »

« I don't think I'm wrong in saying that with this book, your contribution to the emergence of Consciousness with not be insignificant. »

« No seeker of truth can doubt it after reading a few lines. »

« I feel that your book summed up all others. »


Darpan does not belong to any lineage or tradition. As the ancient Sufi masters, he earns a living by working a regular job - while teaching in the "back shop". He seeks to transmit the Art & Practice of overcoming our suffering and dissolving the social, familial and educational barriers that separate us from our essential truth.

Il n'y a pour le moment pas de critique presse.

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