The New  I Ching

The New I Ching

Eric Jackson Perrin

Livres pratiques & développement personnel

Couverture souple

432 pages

ISBN : 9791094871164

Éditeur : Eric Jackson Perrin

Date de parution : 09.10.2015

Langue : anglais

25,00 €

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Discover an amazing book that will enable you to succeed on the path of your destiny by helping you take the right decisions.

Chinese civilization gave birth to a famous book, the I Ching or book of changes. It describes all the situations that can come up in your life or in the flow of events of an organization you are involved in. It also shows how each situation is likely to evolve. The I Ching can help you understand the “natural order” underlying life on Earth but also how human nature works and how universal laws operate. The symbolic language it calls upon being universal, the I Ching goes beyond time and space, to become an eternal information system, like the genetic code of human life, whose main forces are movement and gravity. It finds its roots within the roc of eternity. If books had a soul, you could then compare the I Ching to a wise old sage who knows all that is and who can thus give you the appropriate advice.

This new version of the I Ching is a truly practical guide. It can help you handle any personal, business, political and social situations. It gives you all the necessary information to calculate your hexagram and to fully interpret it by yourself. It allows you to obtain clear, meaningful, deep and practical answers to almost every question in order to know what to do here and now. With this book, you now have your personal counsellor who can answer your questions, give you clear information and guide you, when you question him wisely, on the path that is right for you.
Eric Jackson Perrin

Eric Jackson Perrin

Éric Jackson PERRIN, coach en desarrollo personal, astrólogo maya, numerólogo creador del \"Diamante de Nacimiento\" y consultor Yi–King, vive y trabaja en Lyon. Sus orígenes españoles le han permitido iniciarse en la astrología maya al comienzo de la década del 2000. Propone consultas individuales, cursos y libros centrados en el desarrollo personal.

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