The Petroglyphs of Kulzhabasy in Kazakhstan

The Petroglyphs of Kulzhabasy in Kazakhstan

Luc Hermann, Boris Zheleznyakov

Histoire & sciences sociales


10,2 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN : 9782322023738

Éditeur : BoD - Books on Demand

Date de parution : 02.08.2012

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : rock art, Archaeology, Central Asia, prehistory, bronze age

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En savoir plus
Central Asia offers a large number of rock art sites with similarities in chronology, techniques and iconography. In South Kazakhstan, there are two important sites: Tamgaly and Kulzhabasy, each with approximately 5,000 engravings.
Though Tamgaly was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2004, Kulzhabasy enjoys no legal or physical protection. Despite its wealth of iconography, and scientific as well as historical significance, Kulzhabasy remains largely unknown and in some areas, unresearched.
This book aims to provide an overview of the petroglyphs of Kulzhabasy, and of the first results of research in these mountains.
Luc Hermann

Luc Hermann

Luc Hermann, né en 1980 à Stavelot (Belgique), est historien de l'art et archéologue.
Il est l'auteur de plusieurs ouvrages sur l'art rupestre d'Asie centrale et du Caucase.

Boris Zheleznyakov

Boris Zheleznyakov

Boris Zheleznyakov is a Kazakh archaeologist, specializing in the Central Asian Middle Ages and in Kazakh rock art. He is the scientific director of Tamgaly.

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