This book is extraordinary. It should be mandatory for everyone to read in order to understand the world we live in. It is a collection of texts dictated by Master teachers to help us. I pay tribute to them and thank them for giving us this gift. These texts have changed my life and made me understand why we are here and what we are meant to do.
The one and only life mission we all have, no matter who we are, is this: to find the path to our hearts, to recognize the light within us, and that's it. How? Read, read, read these texts again and again until they reach your heart and you understand with your heart in joy. This is a gift that I share with you, with all my heart filled with love.
Myriam Fassio is a training psychoanalyst in the South of France, in Sète. She is also a child psychoanalyst, trainer, speaker, facilitator of family constellations, and creator of innovative therapeutic tools. Thanks to her Autism Spectrum Disorder, her mind is limitless and has always been deeply interested in information in general, as well as in the subtle realms that have taught her more about life than her formal studies. She has never been content with what already exists and dedicates her life to searching, making incredible discoveries to help people in suffering. She devotes her entire life to this mission. Welcome to her world.
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