The Science of Spiritual Healing

The Science of Spiritual Healing

Preparing for deep changes to come

Daniel Perret

Histoire & sciences sociales

Couverture souple

152 pages

ISBN : 9782810611805

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 20.12.2010

Langue : anglais

20,00 €

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En savoir plus
Spiritual healing and personal development is linked to the healing of the planet as a whole and to all the sentient beings. This book is inspired by the teachings of the Irish healer Bob Moore (1928-2008) and describes the inner process of development that leads to spiritual healing. It shows a progressive path that leads back to the origin of our disharmony and in doing so reveals our own source of healing. An integration of western scientific methods with the eastern introspective research.
Daniel Perret

Daniel Perret

Né à Zurich en 1950. Etudes à'l'université de Zurich. Etude de la science de la guérison spirituelle auprès de Robert S. Moore de 1979-1999. A publié dix livres dont la série sur \"La Science de la Guérison spirituelle\". Vit en Dordogne. Musicien, auteur, conférencier, stages

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