Useful Trees of East Africa

Useful Trees of East Africa

Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania

Rudolphe Lemmens

Nature & sciences naturelles


49,2 MB

DRM : filigrane

ISBN: 9782322546336

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 02.08.2023

Langue: anglais

9,99 €

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Useful trees of East Africa, is the second book of the author on indigenous trees for the East African region. The first book, Growth and Cultivation of 85 Indigenous Trees of Uganda, published in 2010 is out of print. This new version describes 130 mostly indigenous species of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Special attention is given to services of the trees to humans and the environment. It includes a complete botanical description, wood properties, wood products, propagation, management, and distribution of the trees. For identification purposes icons are used, local and botanical names are provided, as more than 500 pictures of the trees, made by the author.
Rudolphe Lemmens

Rudolphe Lemmens

Rudolphe Lemmens, is an agricultural engineer, been working for more than 20 years in Africa of which 15 years in East Africa. As a consultant, to a Belgian development agency, to participate in creating sustainable agriculture systems for rural communities. Lecturer of organic agriculture and botany at Mountains of the Moon Univeristy, and founder of Tooro Botanical Gardens, Fort Portal, Uganda, and today retired organic farmer living in the South of France.

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