Professional insect rearing

Professional insect rearing

Strategical points and management method

Benoît R. Sorel

Livres pratiques & développement personnel

Couverture souple

64 pages

ISBN : 9782322042777

Éditeur : Books on Demand

Date de parution : 05.11.2015

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : insect, rearing, Professional, management

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En savoir plus

You wish to :
- start up a professional insect rearing ?
- upgrade your rearings and are looking for theoretical and practical ways for innovation ?
- increase the reliability and the adaptability of your rearings ?

In order to identify the specific characteristics of insect rearing systems and in order to evaluate and enhance your own experience, we propose a ready-to-use management method.

It is based on a unique combination of quality management according to A. Deming with elements of sociology of science and technology according to B. Latour. With this perspective, we can highlight the strategical points of professional insect rearing and help you identify rearing types and rearing techniques which are adapted to the variations of the production specifications.

The questions :
- How to use the entomological literature ?
- How to identify, prevent and deal with major difficulties ?
- How to manage insect’s quality ?
- How to create and preserve know-how ?
are explained on the theoretical level and illustrated with practical indications for the setup phase, the daily maintenance and the evolution of the rearings on the long term, in order to help you produce at all times insects of high quality.
Benoît R. Sorel

Benoît R. Sorel

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