The contribution of artificial intelligence to the performance of African public and private actors

The contribution of artificial intelligence to the performance of African public and private actors

White paper

Guy Gweth

Économie, droit & management

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190 pages

ISBN : 9782322555888

Éditeur : BoD - Books on Demand

Date de parution : 16.12.2024

Langue : anglais

Mots-clés : JAIE, Artificial Intelligence, economy, Competitive Intelligence, Guy GWETH

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En savoir plus
Artificial intelligence (Al) is set to revolutionise all aspects of modern life. Africa is boarding this train at its own pace and in its own way to tackle its unique challenges. This White Paper, the result of the 7th edition of the African Competitive Intelligence Days (JAIE2024), reports on this dynamic and explores the potential of Al to contribute to economic growth and the improvement of public services in Africa. Twenty-one authors present a detailed overview of the challenges and opportunities related to Al, analyse its areas of application, and formulate concrete recommendations for the emergence of a controlled Al on the continent.
Guy Gweth

Guy Gweth

Guy Gweth is the president of the African Centre for Competitive Intelligence (ACCI) and initiator of the JAIE. Founder of Knowdys Consulting Group, he has led the Doing Business in Africa programme at Centrale Supélec since 2012. A former student of the École de guerre économique in Paris and the Centre d'études diplomatiques et stratégiques in Paris, among others, he is a graduate of the 4th cohort of the Executive Doctorate in Public Affairs from Université Paris Dauphine-PSL.

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