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The contribution of artificial intelligence to the performance of African public and private actors
White paper
332,7 KB
DRM : filigrane
ISBN : 9782322664955
Éditeur : BoD - Books on Demand
Date de parution : 16.12.2024
Langue : anglais
Disponible en :
17,99 €
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En savoir plusArtificial intelligence (Al) is set to revolutionise all aspects of modern life. Africa is boarding this train at its own pace and in its own way to tackle its unique challenges. This White Paper, the result of the 7th edition of the African Competitive Intelligence Days (JAIE2024), reports on this dynamic and explores the potential of Al to contribute to economic growth and the improvement of public services in Africa. Twenty-one authors present a detailed overview of the challenges and opportunities related to Al, analyse its areas of application, and formulate concrete recommendations for the emergence of a controlled Al on the continent.
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